Friday, January 8, 2010

New year...new resolutions

Last year I gave up alcohol and biting my nails. I succeeded. It's been more than a year since I've drank or bit. :D

So, my 2010 resolutions. If I can quit drinking alcohol, surely I can do this.

~No soda. Period. None. I've been drinking mostly water with a really watered down lemonade here and there just for taste.

~No eating out while I'm working. This is a big one. It's dinner time, we go get something to eat. Problem? I eat too much and spend too much. I'm figuring this is gonna save me more than $1500.00 this year alone.

~I will eat breakfast everyday. A bowl of oatmeal and toast is my current thing. I'm not counting calories or anything, just eating better, and less.

~I WILL get on the wii fit at least 5 days/week. I was shooting for everyday, but I've already messed that one up.

~And finally, if I can do all of the above, then there's no reason why I can't lose at least 50# this year. Right?


Tam said...

Way to go Carrie!